Cool stuff

Did everyone get to see the Knitty Gritty Knitsters show on DIY Network the other day hosted by Vickie Howell? I read about the show on Vickie's blog, and quickly set my TIVO to record it for me. It was an hour special on Knitting, Community, and the diversity Knitting has. One of the cool things was "The Knittas", which is a really cool gang out of Houston, Texas. Their mission is to cover odds/ends around the town with knitting material. Once they've covered their target, it's officially a "Knit Tag". They've knit tagged everything from basketball poles, shoes hanging on power wires, tree trunks, door handles, all done quick & fast. It is pretty cool to see. One of the knitters, "Mascuknitity", actually knit tagged a brick from the Great Wall of China! After seeing this special, I remembered my weekend at Knit One One in Berkeley, CA where I took a Dye Class with Scout, and there was a Tree with a branch that was "knit tagged"! I remember telling Marisol to please take a picture cause I thought it was so cool! My camera was on the fritz, so she was kind and emailed me the picture. I took a few, but none came out good. I don't know if this tree was tagged by the Knitta gang from Texas, but it's a pretty good specimen. It almost compels me to "knit tag" my tree in front of my house...hmm....should I?
Another cool thing was a contest held where one women, Lisa Gentry, won by knitting 209 stitches per minute! Amazing! She also won the Crochet contest as well, crocheting 100 stitches per minute! I can't even imagine how she got that fast! It looks crazy watching her knit & crochet.
The special was an hour, and really enjoyable. Vickie is a great host for the special. Her primary goal was to collect knitted squares to donate to Warm Up America for afghan blankets. After seeing this special, I'm now inspired to contribute my own squares to the organization.
Check out the special, it will air a few more times, the remaining airings are:
All at 12:30 p.m. EA
7/8/08, 7/16/08, 7/31/08

Reader Comments (2)
You should totally knit tag your tree!
I agree Knit tag that tree and post some pics:)