I have the shakes!!!

It was a bright and fresh morning, I awoke ready to knit another day. First, feed the family, fresh homemade potatoes, some bacon, some fresh over easy eggs, and orange juice.
Well, before I could get cooking, there was the task of freshly ground and brewed coffee.
As I sat and watch the recorded premiere of "Heroes", I knew I had no plans today, except to catch up on knitting, and my other crafty things.
So, flash forward to post-breakfast and I'm relaxing, watching for the umpteenth time the movie "The Devil Wears Prada", and realizing I could use this time to also catch up on my blogging, and blog stalking *-)
I leaned over the side of my bed, picked up my laptop and turned it on, launched Firefox and quickly hit Ravelry.
Everything seemed normal, messages in my Inbox, posts to reply to, but wait! OH NO! What's this??? I keep getting BOB's cute face telling me something I don't want to hear, my knitdrug, Ravelry is down! I'm suddenly going through withdrawal, hoping this is only temporary, as I F5 repeatedly to get a good page.
So far its been intermittent, but I hope doesn't last long. I had to share this with you, are you addicted to Ravelry too???

Reader Comments (2)
Am I THE Brenda in your starbucks group? Inquiring Saturday before the Monday. Brenda
Funny... yes I get disappointed too when
Bob shows up on the screen. Not that I don't like Bob he is cute in a quirky sorta way but I'd rather have Ravelry up and running:)