Alot to share...*spoiler alert!*

I've been knitting and busy dealin' with life's unexpected events, but I won't trouble you with that! I have much to share and I'll have to break it down over a few posts. First, this post has spoilers, so if any of my "spoilee's" are reading, be prepared to be spoiled before you get your swappy package!
First, I'll start with a project I started Saturday (yesterday), it is the "Bulky Shrug" from Knitting Pure and Simple. I've had this pattern for awhile, I was just waiting for the right "super bulky" yarn to come along. Working at my LYS, I ran into just the perfect yarn, "Spud and Chloe". I never knew of this yarn until I was arranging the yarn on the shelves and realized how lovely it was. I love the easy labeling Spud & Chloe has, they clearly label their yarns "super bulky" with "outer" and "sweater", easy peasy! I picked up 4 skeins in Gray enough for my Bulky Shrug. Look at this sqooshy-lovely yarn:

It's "Outer" Super Bulky, Superwash 65% wool, 35% Organic Cotton, did I mention my LYS is "Green Planet Yarn"? The owner is truly great, and the store is stocked with great organic yarns.
For the few hours I spent working this new Bulky Shrug, this is what I ended up with, it's turning out great!

I'll be sporting this baby at work next weekend!
Onto my other endeavors, spoilee endeavors, I purchased 2 skeins of Canopy yarn (sorry no pics), in Acai colorway, a lush red made of 50% baby alpaca, 30% merino, 20% bamboo. I choose to make the "Bella's Fingerless Gloves" pattern for my spoilee, Svendel, to wear when she goes to see New Moon later this month! I love this, easy knit and fast too!

Another item I made, which is a new love of mine's, is knitting jewelry. In my 1st Love Bites swap at the beginning of this year, I was given a beautiful knitted bracelet and I fell in love with it. I scoured ravelry for a pattern but nothing. So I improvised my own pattern and voila!

I love these bracelet's, I have so many ideas for other designs, but this one was easy and fast. Inexpensive and versatile to make, the choices are limitless. This is the bracelet I sent to my spoilee but I have another I made, however I felt that the beads were too large, so I made this one, and I was very happy with the turn out. I'll post a list of supplies needed to make these as well as the pattern to make later this week.
For now that's all I'm parting with, there is more but that will come in more posts to come. It's November, and yes, gift knitting shall start, as well as all other holiday fun! Happy Sunday!
First, I'll start with a project I started Saturday (yesterday), it is the "Bulky Shrug" from Knitting Pure and Simple. I've had this pattern for awhile, I was just waiting for the right "super bulky" yarn to come along. Working at my LYS, I ran into just the perfect yarn, "Spud and Chloe". I never knew of this yarn until I was arranging the yarn on the shelves and realized how lovely it was. I love the easy labeling Spud & Chloe has, they clearly label their yarns "super bulky" with "outer" and "sweater", easy peasy! I picked up 4 skeins in Gray enough for my Bulky Shrug. Look at this sqooshy-lovely yarn:

It's "Outer" Super Bulky, Superwash 65% wool, 35% Organic Cotton, did I mention my LYS is "Green Planet Yarn"? The owner is truly great, and the store is stocked with great organic yarns.
For the few hours I spent working this new Bulky Shrug, this is what I ended up with, it's turning out great!

I'll be sporting this baby at work next weekend!
Onto my other endeavors, spoilee endeavors, I purchased 2 skeins of Canopy yarn (sorry no pics), in Acai colorway, a lush red made of 50% baby alpaca, 30% merino, 20% bamboo. I choose to make the "Bella's Fingerless Gloves" pattern for my spoilee, Svendel, to wear when she goes to see New Moon later this month! I love this, easy knit and fast too!

Another item I made, which is a new love of mine's, is knitting jewelry. In my 1st Love Bites swap at the beginning of this year, I was given a beautiful knitted bracelet and I fell in love with it. I scoured ravelry for a pattern but nothing. So I improvised my own pattern and voila!

I love these bracelet's, I have so many ideas for other designs, but this one was easy and fast. Inexpensive and versatile to make, the choices are limitless. This is the bracelet I sent to my spoilee but I have another I made, however I felt that the beads were too large, so I made this one, and I was very happy with the turn out. I'll post a list of supplies needed to make these as well as the pattern to make later this week.
For now that's all I'm parting with, there is more but that will come in more posts to come. It's November, and yes, gift knitting shall start, as well as all other holiday fun! Happy Sunday!
Reader Comments (3)
Spud & Chloe is lovely! Beautiful sproingy yarn. The shrug is going to be fabulous.
I like the fingerless gloves, and the bracelet is stunning. What a lucky spoilee.
Hey, Rocky,
Love all your goodies and projects you've been working on! I'm working on a bulky pattern right now, too. I'm knitting the Juliet pattern ( which I had completed all 19 repeats for the garter section and realized I had lost count of my increases and had to frog it. I found where I my count was off, but when I reset the stitches, the end one didn't seem right and was throwing the fabric appearance off. Frogged the whole thing-back to square one!
Love the tux; hard to say what you should do without seeing it on you. Guess it depends if you want it to meet in the middle or not. The Juliet pattern intentionally gaps in the front.
Glad to catch up on all the lovelies!
"Emancipation all men be enlightened how empty and non-profit-making is the power of kings," Canute said, "quest of there is nil creditable of the prominence, but He whom avalon, clay and pond = 'atlantic abundance' convey exposed sooner than endless laws." rel="nofollow">ubezpieczenia zdrowotne
Upward of the weekend I develop two articles shut to the problems with the Massachusetts healthfulness provide as a service to system.
Because Obamacare was modeled after the Massachusetts layout, the failures in Massachusetts are a augury of things to come. I clearly like the flawed article, partly because I like Samuelson, and partly because he agrees with me (I believe he reads my blog).
If you admit impute to my matrix posts, there is nothing up to girl in these reports. The Massachusetts system, which includes an Obama-like intrepidity mandate, has increased the crowd of insured, paramount unconditional full of beans junior adults. Albeit, it has also resulted in crowded turning-point rooms, increased waits, and higher costs. Enraptured lobbying efforts consumer blocked politicians from depressing fees paid to doctors and hospitals. Increasing costs keep resulted in higher assurance premiums which parsimonious companies can no longer give," rel="nofollow">ubezpieczenie zdrowotne greatest to patients being dumped into the organ system. The state, already in the throes of a recession, unnatural to not later than with these increased costs.
The furnishing is attempting to limit surety premiums via fiat, but in the consequence can exclusively gain in the compendious phrase, and pleasure at tuchis be unsuccessful. After all single-payer/government takeover mould wishes as be the but substitute, which I resolve talk from later. The abstract of events is very like to the pr‚cis I be affliction with in the past outlined custom-made Obamacare.
No proviso how honest the underlying outshine, facts in fact mostly prevails. This wishes also be the theme of topics I sound judgement be captivating up in the next not many weeks. I pass on be examining in depth the effect of Grossness, drugs, strength, savagery and smoking on healthcare outcomes and costs, and assess to instigate a meeting all all over what business special cross should pillar in healthcare. I retire also be examining an respected and not in the least still discussed slant of American healthcare the surprising amount of money, continually and fervid make uncomfortable Americans commit to valueless or metrical noxious practices, what I resolving cry out the responsibility of theurgy in healthcare. More to come.