HLBOES spoiler post

As my post title says, this is a spoiler post for HLBOES "Harry Potter - A little bit of everything" swap. I made something special for my spoilee Pandora Phelps. She should be getting her package any day now, and I'm just hoping she loves it.
I knitted this hat in record time, literally one night! It went so fast and so easy, and it's cables for crying out loud!
This is the first time I knitted a hat using cotton, I really love the feel of it. I'm also using this same yarn to knit up my Tech Square Afghan blanket, which is currently hibernating 8)
Here are a few shots of "Hermione's Cable & Eyelet" hat. This is an interpretation of the hat that the character Hermione Granger wore in HP Half Blood Prince.
Spoiler pics...

I will definitely knit this again, probably very soon, still using cotton too!
Now onto my other HP swap, HSK 7. Homework for this week:
If you could be one character in the series, who would you be and why?
Throughout the entire series of Harry Potter, I've always been fond of Professor Snape. I'm a Gryffindor gal at heart, but Snape has always been my favorite character. What can I say about Snape? He can be deathly fearful at times, but it's like the character is a secret filled See's candie, inside there is someone who cares. His character is very deep and complex, and doesn't show emotion outwardly. In ways, it's alot similiar to myself, I'm not one to show emotion or be outwardly affectioniate, I don't think I'm deathly fearful, but my family may disagree (LOL). I'll have to admit I am complex, which I think is both good and bad, just means I'm totally neurotic! Everyone is probably going, Snape?!? What??? Well, that's my take on Professor Snape, definitely my favorite character, and most consistent too, and damn, can he do some hot magic!
I knitted this hat in record time, literally one night! It went so fast and so easy, and it's cables for crying out loud!
This is the first time I knitted a hat using cotton, I really love the feel of it. I'm also using this same yarn to knit up my Tech Square Afghan blanket, which is currently hibernating 8)
Here are a few shots of "Hermione's Cable & Eyelet" hat. This is an interpretation of the hat that the character Hermione Granger wore in HP Half Blood Prince.
Spoiler pics...

I will definitely knit this again, probably very soon, still using cotton too!
Now onto my other HP swap, HSK 7. Homework for this week:
If you could be one character in the series, who would you be and why?
Throughout the entire series of Harry Potter, I've always been fond of Professor Snape. I'm a Gryffindor gal at heart, but Snape has always been my favorite character. What can I say about Snape? He can be deathly fearful at times, but it's like the character is a secret filled See's candie, inside there is someone who cares. His character is very deep and complex, and doesn't show emotion outwardly. In ways, it's alot similiar to myself, I'm not one to show emotion or be outwardly affectioniate, I don't think I'm deathly fearful, but my family may disagree (LOL). I'll have to admit I am complex, which I think is both good and bad, just means I'm totally neurotic! Everyone is probably going, Snape?!? What??? Well, that's my take on Professor Snape, definitely my favorite character, and most consistent too, and damn, can he do some hot magic!

harry potter swap,
hermione's cable hat,
hsk7 in

Reader Comments (5)
Beautiful hat, that yarn really gives it a glorious sheen.
I'm a Snape fan too, in a smaller way, once I understood him. Plus, seeing him as Alan Rickman once the movies came out didn't hurt. :P
Ooo... I am so excited! Maybe my package will come today!!! Our mail carrier normally gets to my house at about 5pm (central)...I will know in 30 minutes. I love Snape. He is a very tragic man.
Oh, I didn't even look at the photos of my hat! I am being good by not peaking!
Sniffy... silly browser won't let me see pictures... I'll have to look again later.
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