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Pairs, yes I do love this pair:


Love a good red wine and gourmet cheese.. or this pair:


Now this pair is more in tune with the holidays, a delicous roast turkey and stuffing! 

Yes, there are many pairings, and a couple I knitted for Kirsten from Through the Loops a couple of weeks ago, another great pair.  I originally wanted to choose a reclaimed Cashmere yarn we sell at the LYS I work at, but came across the Frog Tree Meriboo yarn and knew I had a match.  It has a very pretty sheen look to it and to make it even more desireable, it's Superwash!!!

I give you Sofie's Slouch:

DSC04711 Sofie's Slouch in Meriboo for Through The Loops

Excuse me!  If only my camera was of good quality, however I will be utterly happy once I finally get a good damn camera!  ::tears::  Sorry for venting...I've asked Santa for a new camera, it's at the top of my wishlist.

And the pairing for Sofie's Slouch is Sofie's Fingerless Mitts:

Sofie's Mitts in Meriboo Sofie's Mitts in Meriboo

I've worn the pair more than a few times now, but are extremely warm, soft, and durable.   The yarn doesn't split or pile easily.  There are a few other colors for this yarn, a gorgeous purple and green, I may look to make something with those colors soon. 

I got more to share and will post over the next few days, 'til then get ready for Turkey Day!

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