Rock Island Shawl WIP status

Just a quick post to share my progress on the Rock Island Shawl.
I've been knitting this shawl a couple hours or so every night. Although I've been a bit of a rebel with this shawl, knitting a full on charted shawl pattern while watching movies, TiVo, the beach, and in awkward small spaces sitting positions in my car too. So my progress has been slow and yes there's definitely been some tinking too ;-). Not to mention I've also been a bit pyschotic too, not using markers (I am now though), just causing myself grief cuz I just didn't feel like getting my markers out, so my progress should be more but hey I don't mind, I just love knitting.
Tonight was a good knitting night, got about 5 rows done over 290 stitches and didn't miss a stitch! Also knitted peacefully while watching Howard Stern On Demand, his interview yesterday with Lady Gaga, which was awesome!!! She performed 2 songs a cappella and sang beautifully. Such a great interview, shes totally cool. YouTube her performances, there up already. I don't know if the interview is up, but I know her songs are.
'Til next time, enjoy your Wednesday!

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