What a difference a day makes

It's been more than a few weeks since my last post, and it's always something I hate the most, passing time between posts.
But my oh my how things have vastly changed for me, first I had to speed move to a new residence, I won't go into the details, but lets just say that I got stuck having to speed house hunt and plan a move in under 2 weeks. It was stressful for us, and my husband did say everything would turn out ok, and knowing now how things panned out, everything did turn out ok, even better than we had it before.
I amazingly was able to land a new home, just a few miles down the way from we were living, and the house is just so nice! Much nicer than our former home, not that our former home wasn't nice, it was just dated. We landed a nicer home, very nice neighborhood, and we have AC once again! Just in time for the summer! Our new home has 2 Orange trees, an Apple tree, a Lemon tree, and a Guava tree! I love seeing all the apples, just little babies, growing each day. So much lovely fruit, can't wait until we can harvest. Were already enjoying the lemons and oranges, and we love it. Our former residence did have a lemon tree too, we were really sad to see it go when we had to start looking for a new home, little did we know we'd end up where were at with yet another lemon tree, and much more.
So, that's just the house ventures, crazyiness, but we survived it. Onto our other venture, we finally purchased a new vehicle, got a new truck, while the former truck, which we still love, will go on to my son. Were in transition with the vehicles right now, but soon, he'll be driving the old reliable Ford, and will have the new cool Ford for us, and then of course I have my car as well. It's odd having a new car, its been so long since we've purchased anything.
Oh, and one last new adventure, I got a promotion at work, one I had been vying for these past months. It's a big opportunity and challenge for me, but it's a nice change to be in that position. I'm excited, eager, nervous, calm, observant, all at the same time.
Sadly, amiss all these changing times, my Aunt Connie past away as well. It was a complete shock, and very upsetting for me. I'm still amazed she's gone, she was always supportive of me and the one person, who had alot of similiarities with me. I miss her, but she'll always be apart of me, we have very similar spirits.
So many things, both good and bad, and all at once, it was extremely hard to knit, or do anything of that sort during this time, but I managed to pull off a mystery knit, I can't provide details, as its a new pattern, not mines, but one of my favorite designers.
Here's a peak at the FO, once it's ready to reveal, I'll post an update, but for now, just a tease.
Enjoy your weekend!

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