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Well I hope everyone had a good 4th of July weekend! It's obviously winding down now, and the new week will be once again.
For those of you who didn't get your fireworks fix, I recorded the ones my family & I watched on Friday, only about 30-40 seconds worth. My husband made a boo-boo and used a curse word, so just warning you, guess that makes this a PG-13. See below for the fireworks.
Well, I said on Twitter that I got a shipment from Scout, and it was my new book, "New Sock Pathways for Sock Knitters" signed by Cat Bordhi. This is an awesome book, and I will need to order Book #2 soon. I also go the "mini-crochet" keychain hook for knitters on the go who have a dropped stitch emergency 8-) It's so cute & tiny!

Here's my new book
Purchased from Scout, Signed by Cat Bordhi
Here's a shot of the signature

Here's the Stitch Saver

Here's the Fireworks, please caution, my husband used a curse word at the end, so sorry! 8-)

Here is the Grande Finale.