WIP Wednesday

So, where am I at?
I've been making good progress on the VITA cardi, working on it pretty often. The back is completed, one of the front panels is done and almost half (if not more than that) of the 2nd front panel is close to done. After that its arms, front collar, and belt. Oh yah, then block and seam. The ribbing portion can be a bit annoying, knitting almost 10 inches of ribbing can sometimes be a pain because of swinging the yarn "front to back, front to back" and so on.
YES, I'm still liking this cardi, and get more excited the closer I get to completion.
As for the Homin shawl I started, I ripped out, not because I didn't love it or went astray with the pattern, because I simply didn't keep track of where I was at. I did read the knitting to determine where I was at in the pattern, but I still wasn't confident, and figured that I hadn't made much headway into the shawl that it was better to frog and start over then chance the setup rows. So a'froggin I went.
So here she is once more, a wee smaller than before, but soon it'll grow. I had this in my lovely green flower Lantern Moon bag and was laughing to myself when I started 'oogling the Ella Rea yarn cake for the shawl. Cracked myself up that I was acting as if I was 'oogling a new yarn I hadn't seen before and realizing, "ahh, yah that's why you bought it!".
In other WIP news, the Cranked Trekking KAL socks are still stuck at Clue 2, I just haven't had the time to download the remaining clues and continue knitting. I'm in no rush for these either but being so close to another FO is tempting, so maybe just maybe I'll squeeze in time *-)
Ooh, and I have a new "sooper seekret" project for my Etsy store that I've been plotting. I have a few "opening day" items I'm working on, this being one of them. I don't have a date set yet, I don't want to rush the process, but I'm guessing end of 2nd quarter beginning of 3rd quarter. It may even be sooner, like a preview opening. Here's a picture of some of the key materials for one of the items. Can you guess what it is? I'll say a majority of knitters have them, but both items have yet to be married into one complete piece, if that makes any sense. That's about all I can say without totally answering the clue. 8)
Happy Wednesday!