Calling all Ghosts!

For my Hogwarts swap...
All ghosts need to be accounted for here at Hogwarts, so I'll try to call all of them out, here we go:
--Nearly Headless Nick, or Sir Nicholas, my favorite
--The Bloody Baron of Slytherin
--Moaning Myrtle of the Girls Bathroom
--The Grey Lady of Raveclaw
--Professor Bins
--Fat Friar of Hufflepuff
--All those attending the Deathparty
--Sir Patrick Delaney Podmore
--The Wailing Widow
--Harry's Parents, they are ghosts technically
I'm sure I left out some, but this is the best list I could put together. Let's see who shows up!
~~Lady Arabella Carmichael of Gryffindor
All ghosts need to be accounted for here at Hogwarts, so I'll try to call all of them out, here we go:
--Nearly Headless Nick, or Sir Nicholas, my favorite
--The Bloody Baron of Slytherin
--Moaning Myrtle of the Girls Bathroom
--The Grey Lady of Raveclaw
--Professor Bins
--Fat Friar of Hufflepuff
--All those attending the Deathparty
--Sir Patrick Delaney Podmore
--The Wailing Widow
--Harry's Parents, they are ghosts technically
I'm sure I left out some, but this is the best list I could put together. Let's see who shows up!
~~Lady Arabella Carmichael of Gryffindor

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