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Entries in knitters retreat (1)


Mid-Week Plans

So far this week has been an interesting one for me. I started my new job on Monday, this is the one I felt was going to be a great opportunity for me, and it's a permanent one, so even better, benefits, PTO, etc. I'm kind of on the fence at whether it is truly something I like. What I learned through the 3 interviews I went through before getting an offer sounded like a dream job, for now, at least in the last 3 days its kind of, um..not. I know it's very very early for me to really know how this will pan out, but I'm just not liking what I'm seeing this far, however I will give it a chance and do my best to find ways for it to turn into something I'll grow to like and maybe even want. We'll see, so this is why I'm posting this so late in the evening, my normal posting routine is to post in the mornings, but my schedule is a bit thrown.

I've completed one of the Traveling Scarves I had for Herebedragons in my group, I really like the Eyelet stitch from Vogue Knittings Crochet Stitchionary. I can't thank Turtlegirl76 enough for this tip, as she is also getting into crochet. This book has an immense catalog of various stitches & patterns to use for Crochet. It is perfect for these Traveling Scarves groups. I'll also be investing in the other volumes, one for Knitting, one for Cables soon.

Here's a spoiler of the Eyelet Stitch pattern using none other than Noro Silk Garden yarn #279 for this:

Herebedragons Traveling Scarve Spoiler

My camera was being nice to me 8) I was able to get a decent close-up!

Herebedragons Traveling Scarve Spoiler

The bottom is the Eyelet Crochet Stitch portion I added, and the top is Herebedragons Seedlet section.

I meant to ship this pretty thing off since Tuesday, just have been behind on getting to the post. I'll definitely ship out tomorrow so it can continue to blossom into a pretty Noro scarf.

In other news, are you wondering what my "Mid-Week Plans" are?? Hmmm...?? Well, a very long time ago, say back in February of this year, I signed up with Marisol & Leslie for the Skein Lane Knitter's Retreat which is being held at the Marconi Center in Point Reyes.

I've never been there, but boy the pictures look beautiful. Just check these out:



This is my first ever knitting retreat, so it's an experience I'm really looking forward too. Last time I was immersed with other knitting maniacs was at Stitches
West 2008, boy was that crazy! Yarn is my crack, and Stitches West didn't help with my addiction! I spent some pretty serious dough there. To make matters more difficult for me, there will be yarn to buy!! I'm purposely leaving my wallet behind, during these harsh times, I need to use the force to resist.

During our retreat will be taking a class taught by Melissa Leapmean.


Who has written knitting books "Cables Untangled" and "Continuous Cables". We'll be making this pretty pillow:


I'm looking forward to sharing this experience with Marisol and enjoying my retreat, I feel bad though because I just wish I had some great thing for my hubby and kids to do while I'm out knitting and relaxing. Hopefully they won't mind too too much! Back to my plans, well it's obviously ramping up for this weekend's retreat, getting all my WIPs in order, all my FO's that I'll be deciding to take, any necessities, goodies, you name it.

To end, I'll send you off with my first installment from the Madeline Tosh Magnolia Society, and it's a good one! Gosh, this color has my name written all over it! It's as if it was made especially for me. I love the rich sheen it has..Uh! It couldn't be anymore luscious!

Madeline Tosh Yarn Club September 2008
Madeline Tosh Yarn Club September 2008
Madeline Tosh Yarn Club September 2008

Happy Wednesday!