I'm Thankful

Well it's here folks, "T-Day"! I can just smell the smells of YUM-O! I've already started my prep work for my Thanksgiving meal, and will continue on prepping tonight. My 19lb bird will go in the oven at 6 a.m. sharp tomorrow morning. I went and purchased this to keep me comfy....

And, I'll be making some of my traditional Cranberry-Pumpkin Bread tonight, to have with my coffee as well. I just love this time of year, so toasty warm and snuggly, and I get to knit! You gotta understand this is my first Holiday season where I'm knitting, this time last year I didn't even know what a stitch was let alone DPN or FO. I learned the basic knit & purl from a dear friend, Leslie B., who I worked with last year. She was so nice to teach me and we became so close after bonding over our wooly love. Because it's my first holiday knitting season I've been going crazy over projects to make and I just don't have enough time or hands to knit with. Is that the life of a hopelessly addicted knitter? If so, I'll like it! 8-)
There are so many things for me to be thankful for this year, one is the great package I got from Julsey7 on Ravelry, my spoiler for the "1930's & 1940's Glamour Darhling" swap in "The Odd Ducks Swaps" group.
I came home to this package yesterday in a small box, snuggly packed.

There was such pretty yarn inside it, in my favorite colors again, it’s from Freedom Spirit, 100% wool, Shade 505, just gorgeous! I got chocolates, a Mae West movie “She done him wrong� (Can’t wait to snuggle up and watch this one!), Mae is one of my faves too! I also got the cutest buttons that I’m already planning to use for a cowl, and a classy leaf pin. And the card that was in it with Mae’s face on it, is so pretty! It will go adorned on my tackboard in my office.
Besides my glamorous package, as I was saying, I'm thankful for so many things, here are some that I can share 8)
--I'm thankful for having a loving and supportive family
--I'm thankful for having 2 awesome children who are growing into responsible adults
--I'm thankful for having my dog, Rosie, who has filled my heart with a love I never knew existed until having her. Pets really do bring out something special in your heart.
--I'm thankful for my daughter's cat, Gracy, who I know fills my daughter's heart with love.
--I'm thankful that both my husband and I have jobs during this hard time and that we have a roof over our family's heads and are able to provide for them.
--I'm thankful for my health, and my familie's health.
--I'm thankful for making it through the financial hell I went through with my home I had owned in Newman. I wouldn't wish that kind of stress on anyone, it is such a difficult thing to deal with.
--I'm thankful that my husband and I made it through that together.
--I'm thankful that daughter is here, and is healthy. She's always been a fighter, and had complications and 3 surgeries the day she was born. When I look into her eyes I can still see her eyes as they were the first time I looked into them when she was in her incubator at the hospital.
--I'm thankful that son is a growing young man, and is healthy. He too had a 1 week stay during his first week, I can still remember sleeping with him at the hospital that Thanksgiving week.
--I'm thankful for having learned how to knit and for having come this far with knitting. Knitting really has expanded my mind to a whole new world of creativity. It is to me the "gateway" craft unto others. I've spun off learning how to spin, how to dye, and how to crochet, and now how to design. Knitting truly is a talent to cherish as it can come in handy with everything. Think about it, if we ever had such a disaster here where we were without our luxuries, you could knit baskets, bowls, anything to survive. If you ever got stranded on an island, could you not knit clothing or making a hut just out of the basic structure of knitting? There are so many ways knitting is a key talent to have.
--I'm thankful for so many things, not all I can list, but I will say that I'm thankful for all of the friends I've made through knitting and all the wonderful people I've met through it as well.
Thank you all for visiting, and I hope you have a great Thanksgiving!

And, I'll be making some of my traditional Cranberry-Pumpkin Bread tonight, to have with my coffee as well. I just love this time of year, so toasty warm and snuggly, and I get to knit! You gotta understand this is my first Holiday season where I'm knitting, this time last year I didn't even know what a stitch was let alone DPN or FO. I learned the basic knit & purl from a dear friend, Leslie B., who I worked with last year. She was so nice to teach me and we became so close after bonding over our wooly love. Because it's my first holiday knitting season I've been going crazy over projects to make and I just don't have enough time or hands to knit with. Is that the life of a hopelessly addicted knitter? If so, I'll like it! 8-)
There are so many things for me to be thankful for this year, one is the great package I got from Julsey7 on Ravelry, my spoiler for the "1930's & 1940's Glamour Darhling" swap in "The Odd Ducks Swaps" group.
I came home to this package yesterday in a small box, snuggly packed.

There was such pretty yarn inside it, in my favorite colors again, it’s from Freedom Spirit, 100% wool, Shade 505, just gorgeous! I got chocolates, a Mae West movie “She done him wrong� (Can’t wait to snuggle up and watch this one!), Mae is one of my faves too! I also got the cutest buttons that I’m already planning to use for a cowl, and a classy leaf pin. And the card that was in it with Mae’s face on it, is so pretty! It will go adorned on my tackboard in my office.
Besides my glamorous package, as I was saying, I'm thankful for so many things, here are some that I can share 8)
--I'm thankful for having a loving and supportive family
--I'm thankful for having 2 awesome children who are growing into responsible adults
--I'm thankful for having my dog, Rosie, who has filled my heart with a love I never knew existed until having her. Pets really do bring out something special in your heart.
--I'm thankful for my daughter's cat, Gracy, who I know fills my daughter's heart with love.
--I'm thankful that both my husband and I have jobs during this hard time and that we have a roof over our family's heads and are able to provide for them.
--I'm thankful for my health, and my familie's health.
--I'm thankful for making it through the financial hell I went through with my home I had owned in Newman. I wouldn't wish that kind of stress on anyone, it is such a difficult thing to deal with.
--I'm thankful that my husband and I made it through that together.
--I'm thankful that daughter is here, and is healthy. She's always been a fighter, and had complications and 3 surgeries the day she was born. When I look into her eyes I can still see her eyes as they were the first time I looked into them when she was in her incubator at the hospital.
--I'm thankful that son is a growing young man, and is healthy. He too had a 1 week stay during his first week, I can still remember sleeping with him at the hospital that Thanksgiving week.
--I'm thankful for having learned how to knit and for having come this far with knitting. Knitting really has expanded my mind to a whole new world of creativity. It is to me the "gateway" craft unto others. I've spun off learning how to spin, how to dye, and how to crochet, and now how to design. Knitting truly is a talent to cherish as it can come in handy with everything. Think about it, if we ever had such a disaster here where we were without our luxuries, you could knit baskets, bowls, anything to survive. If you ever got stranded on an island, could you not knit clothing or making a hut just out of the basic structure of knitting? There are so many ways knitting is a key talent to have.
--I'm thankful for so many things, not all I can list, but I will say that I'm thankful for all of the friends I've made through knitting and all the wonderful people I've met through it as well.
Thank you all for visiting, and I hope you have a great Thanksgiving!