The Red Scarf Project

As most knitters might know, there is "The Red Scarf Project", which is a project of the Orphan Foundation of America. The Red Scarf Project has been mentioned and promoted in many different blogs, I found out personally from the great Scout.
I did some research into the project, and it is project I wholeheartedly stand behind.
Some teenie'bit of info about ~we O me~, my Father who raised me, raised me from whence I was just months old, I think 1 month (not too sure) with my Mother. My real Father, did a *houdini*, and poof, that was it. I was so fortunate to have had my Father be there, and raise me. I know him as the only Father I've ever had, and he is my blood, regardless of the who actually created me. My hubby also had a Father who did the *houdini* act as well, but he wasn't fortunate enough like me to have a great man step in. We've raised our two children to also know the importance of family as well.
We know how important it is to have family, whether you have 1 parent, 2 parents, or just a close loving family that cares.
They need to know there are people who care, and one way to help, if at least a little is to knit a Red scarf for this cause. The OFA will be accepting donations between September 1, 2008 to October 31, 2008, which is more than enough time to knit a red colored scarf to donate.
Won't you please find it in your heart give a knitted treat that has more meaning behind it than the average knitted goodie? For more information on the project and to find out info about the OFA click here.
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