Traveled Home No 78

I'm a member and moderator of a Traveling Scarves Group #78 on Ravelry. If your not familiar with TS groups, its usually about 12 members total. All take part in knitting and/or crocheting each other a scarf. Each member starts a seedlet scarf, knit/crocheted traditionally (vertical) or lengthwise (horizontal). The member (owner) of the seedlet, only starts the scarf, then packs it up and sends it onto the next member in the chain. The next member, continues adding to the scarf, and packs it up and sends it onto the next member in the chain.
It continues in this fashion, until it finally reaches the last member in the chain, which by then adds the finishing portion to the scarf, and then sends it home to the owner who now has a finished scarf that has made a journey around the USA, sometimes to Canada, and back being knit/crocheted by all members in the group.
I received my scarf home this past weekend, it was originally 300 stitches, started lengthwise, unblocked without fringe it measured 57 inches long. Blocked its measuring 65 inches, with the fringe its 73 inches.
It is the 3rd Traveling Scarf thus far that I've received, having been in 3 groups, well 4, but one group went south. 3rd time is truly a charm, such a gorgeous scarf all the members of Group 78 knit for me.
I truly do love it and appreciate all the work each member put into it.
I can't wait to wear this proudly and I will tomorrow at work 8-)
Thank you TS#78!