Knitting at Night with Lighted Knitting Needles

Can anyone tell what I'm knitting? It was late Saturday, and I was restless, and eager to knit, but I didn't want to interrupt my husband's gorgeous sleep 8-)
So I broke out my handy lighted knitting needles! But I had to think of what to knit with them? Size 11 needles hmm...what project? I figured out what would be the perfect thing to knit, and off I went. I'm about 30% into the project, it's a nice one because it's the easiest pattern, one of my own, and it's already looking very pretty.
Can you tell what I'm knitting? Can you guess what I'm knitting? If you guess correctly, I'll give the person who figures it out a gift certificate from The Loopy Ewe.
Watch the short video to see these needles in action. I'll give a few hints too:
~~~ This project is to honor a group
~~~ This project was something I've blogged about
~~~ This project can be seen in other places
That's all the hints I'm giving, I even think I'm giving to many hints, but we'll see.
If nobody guesses, I'll reveal what it is soon.

knitting at night,
lighted needles in

Reader Comments (6)
My son would love these needles
Hmmmm...are you working on a scarf for the Red Scarf Project?
Those needles look fun!
Ummmm Its definitely a scarf. I think its a scarf for the red scarf project as well:)
It's go to be your Warm Up America square! What a great idea you got-in the middle of the night, no less!
And did you get your Deadly S)p)in yet? LOVE this kit!
WAIT-WAIT!!! Can I change my guess? I posted before re-reading your clues! It is your KNIT TAG for your tree in honor of "The Knittas"!
Either way, I want to know what it is! It'll be fun to see--in the light, that is!
[...] contest winner for “Can you guess what I’m knitting?“ In a earlier post, I recorded myself knitting this in the dark with my lighted needles [...]