Quick knitted gifts

I've been planning for awhile now, to knit some precious items for a close friend or I should say family member of mines & my husbands. They were expecting their 1st girl after 2 boys, well, time flew and I fell behind on my knitting, what with contests, projects & stuff, anyways, she had her baby girl just a few days after this past 4th of July!
We haven't visited the new parents yet, they've probably written us off by now..upset we haven't visited.
I had to jump into high gear when I heard she had the baby, so I quickly put down the Socks Wars socks I've been sluggishly working on (yes I'm still alive and starting to get sick of it), and I started knitting these cute Simple Booties & Scratch Mitts as a gift. The pattern is from the book "Easy Baby Knits".
The booties aren't done yet, I still have some ends to weave in and some Pom-poms to make. The Mitts are almost done, still have some seaming to do. These little things knit up fast! I'd be done already but I had to visit family this weekend so my knitting got put on hold. I need to go buy some pink ribbon tomorrow so I can put the finishing touches on these cuties. I'll post the final pics soon.
And the Specs are:
1 skien Blue Sky Alpaca in Pink
1 ball Cash Velo in White
Just a little Silk Pink ribbon
Size knitted is Newborn 0-3 months, knitted with US2 & US3 needles
To not delay further we have winner for "Guess what I'm knitting" post I made earlier last week. Stay tuned for who won and is getting a gift certificate goody from The Loopy Ewe 8-)

blue sky alpaca,
cash velo,
loopy ewe,
scratch mitts,
sock wars in
Games & Contests,
Gloves, Mittens

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