The carnage continues...

What you’re seeing are my 4th pair of "Detonation" socks for my 4th target in the Sock Wars III 2008 Continues game.
I was waiting for a LONG LONG time to get SIPs from my most recent target, but SIPs never came. The new Supreme Commander, Casualknitter, provided help in trying to track down where in the world I'd get my next SIPs to take over. She did some research and I did some research, and we both came to the conclusion that the SIPs were with my last target, but for some reason that person is claiming they never received them, yet if you follow up the shipping chain & tracking #'s, she is supposed to have them. Oh well, for whatever reason, the SIPs are just not coming my way. I don't want to call my last target a poor sport, I'll give her the benefit of doubt; maybe somehow the SIPs went MIA??? Who knows?
Anyways, Casualknitter gave me the "green light" to go ahead and start a fresh pair of socks. While most people would love this, I really didn't because that meant that I would have to use sock yarn from my stash or buy new yarn and start a whole new pair from scratch. I would've preferred to get the SIPs, and continue knitting where the previous DEAD knitter left off. This is how the game is supposed to be played, who you kill, stops their knitting immediately & ships the SIPs off to their assassin.
For awhile, like almost 2 weeks, I heavily debated on whether or not to pull from my stash or spend more $$ on Sock Wars. Here's a quick tally of what I've spent thus far....
The Cost of War:
$2.00 to join Sock Wars III 2008
$20.00 Sock Wars III official yarn Tofutsies #733 skein for 1st target
$20.00 Shipping fees to send completed killer socks to first target
$2.00 costs for extra goodies in package (I just have to send goodies with my packages) these include chocolates, tea, etc.
$20.00 Shipping fees to send completed killer socks to 2nd target
$20.00 Shipping fees to send completed killer socks to 3rd target
$35.00 fee to send Postcard lottery entry to Supreme Commander in the Netherlands, this was to see if I'd get picked as the Sock Wars winner.
Total tally: $119.00
I know, I know, I must be crazy to have forked out this much, but I'm a pyscho, I like the competitive sport and felt there would be some $$ sacrifice. What I didn't sign-up for was the way the whole game changed, what with the sudden ending and the new "Sock Wars Continues" group, but hey, you can't predict the future, right?
After having spent this much, I was kind of thinking of throwing in the towel and bowing out of Sock Wars III. I wouldn't be the first to do this, as many people did once Julie (original Supreme Commander) ended Socks Wars III unexpectedly and early. Believe me, many people were upset. The competitor in me just couldn't let go, so I decided to forge on. What I wouldn't do was use sock yarn from my stash, all my sock yarn is premium quality, and I felt that because I had left so much time fly by, my chances of being killed are really high, thus I didn't want to send any SIPs with premium yarn off to anyone. I coughed up the $$ and purchased 1 more skein/ball of Tofutsies yarn, about $20.00, and on I went to start another pair.
I know the pattern off memory, literally, so no need for pattern instructions. I speeded through the cuff and heel, and for some reason hit a BIG STOP sign after the heel decreases, usually this is the point I get my 2nd wind and zoom to the toe because really, your almost there. But my enthusiasm and desire for this pattern and war has diminished greatly. Especially after encountering the dreaded "SIPs missing in action" debacle.
After everything, I finally picked up the needles again, and have started to work at completing these. My goal is to get them done by this weekend to send out first thing next week. There are less than 100 Alive warriors in Sock Wars III right now; the original count was over 1000 warriors, so I am really lucky to still be alive in this war.
And, I've been in communication with my assassin, so she's out there, it's just a matter of time for her to kill me, or if I'm every so lucky, for me to go full circle in the chain and kill her (I doubt I'll be that lucky).
Wish me luck & motivation to KILL on 8-)
Sock Wars III,
supreme commander,
tofutsies yarn in
Games & Contests,
Sock Wars III,

Reader Comments (1)
You go Girl! You can do it! You are so darn close... I know you will reign as the supreme sock war -undefeated maiden!