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Getting Ready for the Ravelympics 2008!  

888 Olympics

As you probably know, on Ravelry, there is a group for “Ravelympics2008�, where knitters, crocheters, like myself will compete in different events. Events range from WIPwrestling, which is completing as many WIPs as you can, or AmigurimiToss, making animals, Hand-Dyed Hurdles, dyeing yarn, and so on.

The competition will run parallel to the Official Summer Olympics in Beijing, CHINA, which starts this Friday, 8-8-8. Once ceremonies open, knitters have the green light to start knitting, dyeing, spinning, you name it, all until the ceremonies end.

I’ve joined a number of teams...


Team Knitting Bloggers EVENTS Hand-dyed hurdles & Handspun Heptathalon
Team Blue Moon EVENTS AmigurumiToss & Sockput & Cowljump
Team Hopelessly Overcommitted EVENT ShawlRelay
Team Junkie EVENTS MittenMedley & Hatdash
Team Bob EVENT FeltedFreestyle
Team Hogwarts EVENT HolidayHandball
Team Stashdown EVENT AmigurumiToss & Hatdash
Team Sundara EVENT Freeforallstyle
Team Loopy EVENT Sockput

Isn’t he a cutey!
Ravelympics 2008  "Team Bob"

So, I’m crazy, no?? But it is fun 8-) There’s no penalty for not completing your projects, but at least you apart of a team with the same purpose to complete your projects before end of ceremonies. Wish me luck 8-)

In other news, guess you could call it a “Online Yarn Crawl�….

I’ve gotten some goodies in, I was reading a blog, or got an email from the Yarn Pirate, can’t remember which happened first? Anyways I was able to score 2 skeins of Yarn Pirates Booty (boy doesn’t that sound weird..hee hee).

Feast your eyes on “Blueberry� , just luscious! Now I wish I had bought 2 of these.
Yarn Pirate "Blueberry"

And “Sweet Magnolia�, I just love the soft colors
Yarn Pirate "Sweet Magnolia"

Now to Knitterly Things, I usually check the shop update, and see if I can score some more Vesper yarn, usually I miss out, but this time I was at least able to get my hands on one of the cute “Wee Skein Kit’s� #37, which has colors: Mamacita, Algae, Neopolitan, and Strange Little Mama.

Vesper Wee Skein Kit

Onto Eat.Sleep.Knit, where I purchased some soft yarn “Pima Petite� in the “Gems of Turquoise� colorway.

The Unique Sheep "Pima Petite"

I got an email from Eat.Sleep.Knit. that they are now offering the newly coveted “Malabrigo Book One� book. I quickly clicked over and bought this puppy…. Ooh can’t wait…

Is that cover not to die for?? I want that pattern and yarn color!

Last, but not least, I finally received my pre-ordered “BIG Stitch� book, that I ordered from the Bagsmith, way back a million years ago, from then to now, I’ve moved, and this books been on a mission to get to me, finally. I completely forgot that I bought this until I got a phone call from the Bagsmith trying to track my new address down. What’s even nicer, I had no idea it would be signed by the author? So sweet, and there are some pretty cool patterns in this baby. These are to be used with EXTREME knitting needles, I bought size 50 at Stitches West 2008, there monsters, but totally cool! Can you believe the gauge requirements are 1 stitch per inch!!! OMG!

Big Stitch Book

Big Stitch Book

Reader Comments (11)

Oh my you have been a busy girl! I signed up for the UFO Ravelimpics... my mission is to commit to finishing up some of my UFOs he he..

I have list ready to go and will be posting about it soon.

August 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMarisol

Thanks for your kind comments. We hope you will have a great time with Big Stitch Knitting and our Extreme Needles. We now have Big Stitch Crochet Hooks and a Big Stitch Sewing Needle (for work on large knitted or crocheted projects!)

August 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBecca Smith

Cool book

August 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAdministrator

I love your site!

August 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJanie

Good luck with the Ravelympics.

August 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAdministrator

Is it the right time yet?

August 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAdministrator

This should work.

August 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAdministrator

What projects are you going to do with the Big Stitch book?

August 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJanie

Knit me a hat cuz.

August 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTura

LOVE all your new stash enhancements! I hadn't seen the Malabrigo book-looks interesting. The Malabrigo colors are to dye for. I think you MUST go to ImagiKnit with hubby-they have a pretty large Malabrigo assortment and I think you will HAVE to get some! The Yarn Pirate Blueberry is gorgeous and I'd never seen the Knitterly Things kit. Most awesome!

August 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLeslie

Holy moley! You are crazy! That's a lot to take on. I wish you luck. You can do it!!!

August 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNell

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