Ravelympics Results 2008

I signed up for all kinds of projects to attempt to both START and FINISH for this years Ravelympics. When I first heard about the premise behind it, I was just totally thrilled and eager to participate.
As a kid, I was an avid watcher of the Olympics. My favorite categories were, Swimming, Gymnastics, and Ice Skating. In fact, I took a form of Gymnastics (Acrobatics) during my dancing years (K -10thgrade), along with other dance classes (Jazz , Tap, & Solo).
I never took any professional ice skating classes, but I've always loved ice skating, it is one of my favorite activities. I'll admit that I haven't went ice skating in ages, and it's funny because I think of it all the time, always imagining myself skating & feeling the air against my face and the sweet smell of the ice.
Alot of people think ice skating is difficult, but it really isn't. It's kind of similar to learning to swim, you know how when you first look at a body of water and wonder, how do I not sink to the bottom? You take the plunge, and wait, oh no! Your going down, and do you know why? It's because your nervous, that nervous tension causes you to sink; if you calm down and try to relax, ly on your back, you'll see we humans are capable of floating, right? Well it's the same with ice skating, when you put your skates on, you think, how in the world will I be able to stand up on those thin killer looking blades? So, you strap them on, and try to stand, but start wobbling back/forth, grabbing on to anything that will allow you to stand up without falling; well, if you relax and just slowly stand up straight, try to imagine you don't have skates on, as if you still have your everyday shoes on, and slowly let go of what your holding onto, voila!, you'll see you can stand just fine, and once you realize this, you'll be able to take your first steps on those killer blades.
It's much the same when actually skating, but can still be difficult getting used to the real slick ice, but boy, once you get the hang of it, you'll love the speed and the wind you generate, and as an added benefit it's a great cardio and calorie burner 8-) All this, has made me want to go ice skating again, hmm... one day soon.
As for swimming, I was briefly a member of my high school swim team during my 10th/11th grade years. I can still remember my hubby (then just my boyfriend) always hanging around the fence that enclosed our pool, just waiting to see me in my bathing suit 8) What a perv! LOL... so funny the things you remember. Swimming is so much fun, I only wish I had a pool, I'd be out there daily, just doing some laps, floating on my back, some handstands... ahhh..! Did I mention my children are fishes? Say the word "lake or pool".. and there like Superman, **bam**, in their swimming gear ready to take a dip.
What can I still do at my ripe age of 32??? I can still swim fluidly, I can still tap dance, and I can still do a slow motion back flip, crab stand, cart wheel, no handed cart wheel, but I can't do the splits anymore 8-( Oh well.. I'll need to get back in it.. it's on my list and my list is long.
Ok, enough digressing, I apologize, I do....for the Ravelympics I signed up for Mitten Medley, Cowljump, Sockput, Shawl Relay, Amigurumitoss, Hand-dyed Hurdles, holidayhandball, felltedfreestyle,and Handspunhepthalon.
I really really thought I could at the very least get 50% of my goals done, but I realized that other forces would take over and steal my thunder. Those forces were, mis compleanos, Yarnsmackdown, Sock Wars III, Spinning classes, Tech Square Afghan Knit -Along, Visiting family, and oh yeah, my personal life, work, kids, cleaning... the list is long.
Anywho, one of the goals I had for the Amigurumi was to learn to crochet, I figured Amigurumi would be a fun way, and if I messed up, it wouldn't be that bad. I bought me a complete steel crochet set, a Crochet for Dummies book, and some cheapy yarn from Michael's, in a bunch of colors for my Amigurumi pets. I was able to learn to crochet, took me about an hour or so to really understand the method. Before that I only knew how to make a crochet chain, that's it. After looking through my books, surfing You Tube, and many many tests with my hook and yarn, I was able to make a Magic Ring, which is pretty cool, a single crochet, double crochet, increase, decrease, and other things. I got the body of my lil' guy done, but never completed him, thus I didn't finish that event. All my other events, were just not even touched, I hang my head in shame for this **head down**
But I am just proud of the drop spinning, at least I managed to complete one of my events! And, BobicusMaximus (great name!) magic linked me the other day to honor me (along with fellow spinners)with a Ravelympics Hand Spun 08 Badge **applause**
And my *cheesy* speech goes something like this "I'll have to thank god and my family for this, and the great Sandy from Purlescence for her mastery at teaching, without which I might not of finished my event or any event for that matter" (LOL)
So here yah go, my one but precious badge earned from the Ravelympics! **squee**

If you stuck with my post this long, thank you.. I hope you don't mind the long post and ummm digressions I made 8-)
As a kid, I was an avid watcher of the Olympics. My favorite categories were, Swimming, Gymnastics, and Ice Skating. In fact, I took a form of Gymnastics (Acrobatics) during my dancing years (K -10thgrade), along with other dance classes (Jazz , Tap, & Solo).
I never took any professional ice skating classes, but I've always loved ice skating, it is one of my favorite activities. I'll admit that I haven't went ice skating in ages, and it's funny because I think of it all the time, always imagining myself skating & feeling the air against my face and the sweet smell of the ice.
Alot of people think ice skating is difficult, but it really isn't. It's kind of similar to learning to swim, you know how when you first look at a body of water and wonder, how do I not sink to the bottom? You take the plunge, and wait, oh no! Your going down, and do you know why? It's because your nervous, that nervous tension causes you to sink; if you calm down and try to relax, ly on your back, you'll see we humans are capable of floating, right? Well it's the same with ice skating, when you put your skates on, you think, how in the world will I be able to stand up on those thin killer looking blades? So, you strap them on, and try to stand, but start wobbling back/forth, grabbing on to anything that will allow you to stand up without falling; well, if you relax and just slowly stand up straight, try to imagine you don't have skates on, as if you still have your everyday shoes on, and slowly let go of what your holding onto, voila!, you'll see you can stand just fine, and once you realize this, you'll be able to take your first steps on those killer blades.
It's much the same when actually skating, but can still be difficult getting used to the real slick ice, but boy, once you get the hang of it, you'll love the speed and the wind you generate, and as an added benefit it's a great cardio and calorie burner 8-) All this, has made me want to go ice skating again, hmm... one day soon.
As for swimming, I was briefly a member of my high school swim team during my 10th/11th grade years. I can still remember my hubby (then just my boyfriend) always hanging around the fence that enclosed our pool, just waiting to see me in my bathing suit 8) What a perv! LOL... so funny the things you remember. Swimming is so much fun, I only wish I had a pool, I'd be out there daily, just doing some laps, floating on my back, some handstands... ahhh..! Did I mention my children are fishes? Say the word "lake or pool".. and there like Superman, **bam**, in their swimming gear ready to take a dip.
What can I still do at my ripe age of 32??? I can still swim fluidly, I can still tap dance, and I can still do a slow motion back flip, crab stand, cart wheel, no handed cart wheel, but I can't do the splits anymore 8-( Oh well.. I'll need to get back in it.. it's on my list and my list is long.
Ok, enough digressing, I apologize, I do....for the Ravelympics I signed up for Mitten Medley, Cowljump, Sockput, Shawl Relay, Amigurumitoss, Hand-dyed Hurdles, holidayhandball, felltedfreestyle,and Handspunhepthalon.
I really really thought I could at the very least get 50% of my goals done, but I realized that other forces would take over and steal my thunder. Those forces were, mis compleanos, Yarnsmackdown, Sock Wars III, Spinning classes, Tech Square Afghan Knit -Along, Visiting family, and oh yeah, my personal life, work, kids, cleaning... the list is long.
Anywho, one of the goals I had for the Amigurumi was to learn to crochet, I figured Amigurumi would be a fun way, and if I messed up, it wouldn't be that bad. I bought me a complete steel crochet set, a Crochet for Dummies book, and some cheapy yarn from Michael's, in a bunch of colors for my Amigurumi pets. I was able to learn to crochet, took me about an hour or so to really understand the method. Before that I only knew how to make a crochet chain, that's it. After looking through my books, surfing You Tube, and many many tests with my hook and yarn, I was able to make a Magic Ring, which is pretty cool, a single crochet, double crochet, increase, decrease, and other things. I got the body of my lil' guy done, but never completed him, thus I didn't finish that event. All my other events, were just not even touched, I hang my head in shame for this **head down**
But I am just proud of the drop spinning, at least I managed to complete one of my events! And, BobicusMaximus (great name!) magic linked me the other day to honor me (along with fellow spinners)with a Ravelympics Hand Spun 08 Badge **applause**
And my *cheesy* speech goes something like this "I'll have to thank god and my family for this, and the great Sandy from Purlescence for her mastery at teaching, without which I might not of finished my event or any event for that matter" (LOL)
So here yah go, my one but precious badge earned from the Ravelympics! **squee**

If you stuck with my post this long, thank you.. I hope you don't mind the long post and ummm digressions I made 8-)

hand-dyed hurdles,
handspun heptathalon,
purlescence yarns,
tap in
Dyein' to Dye,
Events & Things to do,
Games & Contests,
Gloves, Mittens,
Ravelry Groups,
Spinning Around