It's all about the "1"

No. "1" for 2008 has been a milestone number.
As most of you know I didn't start knitting until December 0f 2007, when a good friend, Leslie B., taught me the basic Knit and Purl. Before that, I knew nothing of the fibery world beyond the staples of Knit and Purl. Little did I know at the time that it would be a craft I would wholeheartedly embrace and thrive in. Since then, knitting has been a "gateway" of wonderful things for me.
I've learned how to knit useful, beautiful, and creative garments. I've met other wonderful, creative knitters, crocheters, spinners, dyers, to name a few would be Marisol, Nell, Leslie, and Cheryl. All are great knitters, crafters, creative and inspirational in their own special way. I have knitting to thank for meeting them.
I've learned more about myself, how my love for this art really has a deeper meaning, finding out that my late Grandma Luz was a natural in this craft. Many times as I'm going through my stash, knitting, or anything that involves the wooly stuff, I often think of her. It's a connection with her I never knew when she was alive, but one that I'm thankful for now because I feel her presence with me when I knit. Other great things I've experienced are swap, competitions, dyeing, spinning, and novice designing.
I've compiled a mosaic of pictures all from my 2008 year, which now that I look back was filled with so much. Especially this blog, something I enjoy so much. I've been maintaining it for 1 full year now, and am proud of what it inspires and how I can look back at my past.
There were so many more pictures I wanted to include, but felt this was pushing it. I won't list what each picture is because there's too many, but for short will list an overview below.
I look forward to another year of knitting, blogging, dyeing, spinning, and crafting. 8-)
-Sock Wars Socks, 3 kills
-Mini Scarf pin (personal project for Etsy)
-Tunisian Blanket
-Tech Square Afghan project (4 squares shown)
-Traveling Scarves Groups
-Crochet bag, Crochet Cowl
-Christmas Stocking
-MS4, SofSIII, Elm Row
-Basetweave scarf, Niners scarf
-Bookmarks, Dishcloths
-Gloves, beanies
-1st Rockymoreno "Skull" Cowl design
-My own dyed yarn, My handspun, knitting at night needles, knitta tag
As most of you know I didn't start knitting until December 0f 2007, when a good friend, Leslie B., taught me the basic Knit and Purl. Before that, I knew nothing of the fibery world beyond the staples of Knit and Purl. Little did I know at the time that it would be a craft I would wholeheartedly embrace and thrive in. Since then, knitting has been a "gateway" of wonderful things for me.
I've learned how to knit useful, beautiful, and creative garments. I've met other wonderful, creative knitters, crocheters, spinners, dyers, to name a few would be Marisol, Nell, Leslie, and Cheryl. All are great knitters, crafters, creative and inspirational in their own special way. I have knitting to thank for meeting them.
I've learned more about myself, how my love for this art really has a deeper meaning, finding out that my late Grandma Luz was a natural in this craft. Many times as I'm going through my stash, knitting, or anything that involves the wooly stuff, I often think of her. It's a connection with her I never knew when she was alive, but one that I'm thankful for now because I feel her presence with me when I knit. Other great things I've experienced are swap, competitions, dyeing, spinning, and novice designing.
I've compiled a mosaic of pictures all from my 2008 year, which now that I look back was filled with so much. Especially this blog, something I enjoy so much. I've been maintaining it for 1 full year now, and am proud of what it inspires and how I can look back at my past.
There were so many more pictures I wanted to include, but felt this was pushing it. I won't list what each picture is because there's too many, but for short will list an overview below.
I look forward to another year of knitting, blogging, dyeing, spinning, and crafting. 8-)
-Sock Wars Socks, 3 kills
-Mini Scarf pin (personal project for Etsy)
-Tunisian Blanket
-Tech Square Afghan project (4 squares shown)
-Traveling Scarves Groups
-Crochet bag, Crochet Cowl
-Christmas Stocking
-MS4, SofSIII, Elm Row
-Basetweave scarf, Niners scarf
-Bookmarks, Dishcloths
-Gloves, beanies
-1st Rockymoreno "Skull" Cowl design
-My own dyed yarn, My handspun, knitting at night needles, knitta tag

Reader Comments (6)
I'm so glad we met too!!!
It interesting to me that you feel connected to your grandma when you knit. I feel the same way. My mom and grandma were both very crafty. I feel connected to my female ancestors because of knitting.
you certainly had a productive year! i look forward to seeing what you do in 2009!
Wow, all that knitting in only one year! That's reamarkable.
I know what you mean about connecting to one's grandmother through crafts. I'm primarily a knitter but have been dabbling in crochet of late, and when my mother came to visit, she was amazed to see me hooking away at a scarf... it reminded her of her mother, who taught me to knit, but was apparently also an incredible crocheter. Crafts traditionally passed on from woman to woman really do connect us with our history, don't they?
Way to go - You Knitting Diva you!
Yo woman! It has been an honor and a pleasure to meet you! You truly have been an inspiration and a cornerstone to my knitting world. Thanks for blessing me with your friendship and I hope it carries us through many years to come!
Peace out!
BTW love the new look! Yeah I know it's late for commenting on this post but hey...better late than never right?!