What's on my needles?

Entries in arista gauntlets (2)



One thing I love, just love is those quick knits, the ones that truly are fun to make, beautiful, colorful, simple, yet fabolous all-in-one.

I bought the Arista Gauntlets kit at Stitches West 2011 from PADyeworks, pattern & yarn together.  I was instantly attracted to the colors, two shades that are always my favorite.  The next was the simple look of the pattern, and the fact that they are like fingerless gloves in a way. 

I started these and finished these back in early March, just never took pictures but I've wore them many times since then.

Arista Gauntlets Arista Gauntlets

One thing I found out wearing these, is that they are perfect for when your wrists are sore, whether from knitting or the cold or just need some soothing.  These work great at applying a nice grip around the wrist.  They absolutely don't get in the way with typing or anything else, I just love them.

The PADyeworks yarn is great, soft enough against your skin and very little pilling, in fact the ones I've made have yet to pill.  I can also see this pattern as a great stash buster, imagine the color combo, even fiber combo that can be made with this!

Pattern: Arista Gauntlets by Stevanie Pico
Yarn: PADyeworks yarn kit sold at Stitches West 2011
Needles: US 3 (Knit Picks Harmony)
Started: March 11, 2011
Finished: March 13, 2011

Mods: I wanted a more snug fit, so instead of casting on 70 stitches, I went with 50.

It's always good to start the week off with a FO share. 8)


And knits move on

My knitting over the past few months has been rather erratic, I'm all over the board with mini-knits to large full on sweater knits.  Not that I'm complaining, I do love the variety in the knits, and crochets lately but sometimes I sit back and really want to focus on more fulfulling knitting. 

At this point in my knitting reportoire I've grown to really enjoy the satisfaction of edgy, elegant, intricate, creative patterns.  So what gets in the way of me knitting all that my heart desires? 

My Harry Potter escapades!  Yes, I'm a HP fan, along with being a Twilight fan.  There's a fantastic group on Rav that is HP themed and there's actually classes per month turning in knitting and crocheting items.  It's rather fun actually, but it can actually be pretty busy as well.  So here are a few gallery pictures of FO's from January and February.

ScreenHunter_13 Feb. 01 07.37


In other areas I did finish the lovely Rosamund Cardi for Pico Accuardi Dyeworks at Stitches West 2011

Rosamund Cardi

This is the last picture I took of Rosamund (this is knit in Guiseppe "thick/thin" yarn from PAD), I should be getting a complete picture soon, but it turned out gorgeous!

I also started a new Acorns sweater, using lovely  PAD yarn in Negro con Rojo, it's absolutely lovely!

Acorns with PAD yarn

Now onto Solstice Slip socks, I was actually done with these babies but frogged because I felt they were too long.  So now I'll pick this up again to make the right length.  The heel was literally about 1.5 or 2 inches of extra length of the foot, vastly threw off my length!

Solstice Slip socks with BMF in Bag Lady

I'll also be starting these cute Arista Gauntlets, another great one from PAD

PAD Arista Gauntlets

And finally I've started a new Cotton Candy Hearts Blankie, using Cotton Candy yarn.  It's all eco and all soft cotton.  Feels so silky and soft knit up.  I believe this will be a present for one of my nieces, definitely not for me!

Cotton Candy Hearts Blankie

Phew! Ok see you Wednesday!  Time to get back on track with all my duties, I do believe time has been off lately. 

Happy Monday!