A new bag, a cardi, and more yarn...oh my

I splurged my last visit, or rather visit(s), to the my LYS, and not really visits per say, but my last couple of shifts.
The awesome LYS owner and friend always has such a great eye for notions and bags and she's not failed again. I had been eyeing these gorgeous new Lantern Moon bags everytime I was at work, there perfect for a nice day at the beach.
I finally broke down and picked one up.
I love it! The handles are soft and nice and wide to handle the full loads of the whatever you put in it. There's full inner pockets from top of the bag down to the base around the entire bag. It's perfect for stashing yarn, clothes, food, you name it. It'll definitely be used this summer come beach visits. There's only 1 of these left, not in the green I got but in a very lovely pink. I'm a green gal but the pink is very nice too.
Onto my other splurge, new yarn, Vita, cast on for a new summer Cardi, one to schlepp along for those breezy summer nights. We have a sample at the shop in O'Wool yarn, but I went with Vita, a recycled wool & cashmere blend. The cashmere is suttle, not overwhelming at all, not that there's a problem with cashmere, I love it, but for summer you'd want something not as warm as cashmere.
The beginning of the pattern is about 9 inches of 2x2 ribbing followed by another 4 or so inches of stockinette st. So far a pretty fast pattern, I can't wait to have this finished to carry with me.
Lastly I bought a couple more skeins/balls of Cotton Candy yarn for the Hearts blanket.
I also bought 2 new books, one of which has some really cool patterns in it, but I was too lazy and forgot to take pictures so I'll share later this week. Who knows, maybe I'll have cast on a pattern from one of the books or maybe two of them as well!