What's on my needles?

Entries in blue sky alpaca (3)


Yarnsmackdown 08' Diamond Lace Dishcloths

I finished all my events in Yarnsmackdown successfully, without getting killed beforehand...whew!
I was taking my sweet time with knitting up these Diamond Lace Dishcloths, until I got stalked and magic linked on Raverly from Yarncandie, informing me that she sent me my dishcloths.

As soon as I read that post, I immediately cast on for these, and in 2 hours, I whipped these out. The pattern was so easy, and the yarn knit up fast, once I got comfortable with it.

Do you ever feel that way with different types of yarn? I bought blue, because my target's favorite color is blue, I bought cotton, because what better to knit a dishcloth with. I visited Green Planet Yarn on Monday, and found that they have this wonderful Blue Sky Alpaca 100% Organic Cotton. It is very soft, and easy to knit, it can tend to split a little, but I think that's because I wasn't using the Addi Turbo lace needles.

I really need to stock up on the Lace needles, they are just so much better than knitting with the dull ends.

So here's an interesting little tidbit, Sandy, (she teaches at GPY), and I were talking for bit after one of the classes, and she said that her friend happened to be at a retreat, or some class or show, can't remember which, and the lady from Addi Turbo's was there, and her friend told her how great the needles were, but only had one complaint, there too blunt. So, voila, a year later Addi Turbo Lace needles were born. If only I knew Sandy's friend, I'd send her some goodies to thank her for giving that suggestion. Who knows, would we have had the Lace needles without it? I don't know the dates or anything, but I thought it was an interesting little tidbit.

Anywho, I sent these dishcloths off the other day with some of my signature goodies, some kisses & tea 8-)

In other news, Purlescence Yarns is having a spinning class this coming weekend! I signed up on Friday the 8th. If you can make, I'd love to see you there! It's only $50 smackeroos too! Great deal!

Yarnsmackdown 08' "Diamond Lace" Dishcloths knit with Blue Sky Alpaca 100% Organic Cotton

Yarnsmackdown 08' "Diamond Lace" Dishcloths knit with Blue Sky Alpaca 100% Organic Cotton


A pair of FOs

I finished 2 different sets of projects I was working on. First off were my 4th pair of "Detonation" death socks for my 4th Kill in Sock Wars III. There's a whole story behind these socks, I'll make it as short as possible.

I killed my last (3rd target) back in the beginning of June 2008. Around that time Julie (former Supreme Commander of Sock Wars) ended the game suddenly, declaring the winner to be whomever sent a postcard to her by a specific date, and was lucky to have it drawn from hat. If your familiar with Sock Wars, this is definitely not how the game goes, but unfortunately Julie has had some real hard times in her family, I don't know the intricate details, but I've heard it has to do with the passing of an immediate family member. Don't quote me on that, I only heard from the grapevine, so I have no real proof, but I totally understand her actions if it is the case. Anyways, there were alot of Warriors still alive, like myself, still wanting to play, and lucky us, Casualknitter (On Ravelry) graciously took over the game, and has kept things going. So, I continued in Sock Wars III, and I enlisted help from Casualknitter to track down the SIPs I was supposed to receive from my 3rd target. After weeks of attempting to track down the SIPs, we came to the conclusion of who we thought had the SIPs, believe me, we followed tracking #'s and everything, and yet this person for whatever reasons wouldn't fess up the SIPs. I'm not saying anything bad about her, maybe she really didn't have them? Who knows, either way, at this point, Casualknitter game me the go ahead to start a new pair from scratch.

I didn't start a new pair until about 2 weeks ago, I was pretty reluctant, not want to spend the $$ for sock yarn, but I did, and bought some Tofutsies yarn, since it is the official sock yarn for the game, SWTC is sponsoring Sock Wars.

Anyways, after I knitted the 2 cuffs & heel of the socks, I lost my desire and tossed the puppies in the o'hibernating basket. But, the competitor voice in me kept saying "finish the socks", so I got my 2nd wind, and voila, less than a week later I finished the pair, which was this past weekend. I was just to happy to have these puppies finished, literally.

So, you'd think all the hassle was over, right? Well no-sir-ee-bob, funny thing I packaged the socks, and took them with me to work to send off at lunch time, but then I realized, I don't have address! I quickly emailed Casualknitter for the info, and after some waiting, finally got the address this morning. I was kind of in a helpless mood the other day and did a post about this in the Sock Wars group, asking for some good luck to come my way, and it did 8-) I got my address and these puppies are going to be overnighted today to get to there target tomorrow. Yay!!! Geez, this 4th kill has been an adventurer, all the while, I wonder, if my doom is coming soon? I think my assassin is still alive? Hmm...we'll see if I live for a 5th kill.

Now to the 2nd FO, these are the Simple Booties & Scratch Mittens from the Easy Baby Knits book. I picked these because they were quick & cute, and my friend had her baby earlier than I thought. These are knit using Blue Sky Alpaca Yarn, and are just soft as can be. I hope they fit.

Sock Wars III 2008 4th Kill

Sock Wars III 2008 4th Kill

Sock Wars III 2008 4th Kill
From Top to Bottom, Left to Right, Pic 1 is the completed "death socks" for my 4th kill along with the goodies I sent, some Rasberry-Dark Chocolate Kisses & Chocolate Almond Kisses, plus 1 wrapped beeswax candle. Pic 2 are the socks opposite each other. Pic 3 is a close of the sock pattern. Project Specs 1 skein Tofutsies #799 Sole Searching, gauge is 8 stitches per inch. Size knitted, US 9.5, approximately 10 inches from edge of heel to toe end. Finishing used was Kitchener, ends woven & knotted off. Pattern key, INC increases used in combination with K2TOGs, creates a "Zig-Zag" appearance.

Simple Booties & Scratch Mittens

Simple Booties & Scratch Mittens

Simple Booties & Scratch Mittens

From Top to Bottom, Left to Right, All Pics are just different poses & shots of the completed set. I was trying to get good angles. Project Specs 1.5 skeins Blue Sky Alpaca Yarn in Pink, gauge 28 stitches and 34 rows = 4 inches. Size knitted for newborns. Finishing used was seaming pieces together, ends woven & knotted off. Pattern key, straight garter stitch, with ribbing for mittens. Deviations I made were not knitting the ribbing for the cuff of the booties, I thought there would be less tension on the babies ankles if I just stuck with garter stitch.


Quick knitted gifts

I've been planning for awhile now, to knit some precious items for a close friend or I should say family member of mines & my husbands. They were expecting their 1st girl after 2 boys, well, time flew and I fell behind on my knitting, what with contests, projects & stuff, anyways, she had her baby girl just a few days after this past 4th of July!

We haven't visited the new parents yet, they've probably written us off by now..upset we haven't visited.

I had to jump into high gear when I heard she had the baby, so I quickly put down the Socks Wars socks I've been sluggishly working on (yes I'm still alive and starting to get sick of it), and I started knitting these cute Simple Booties & Scratch Mitts as a gift. The pattern is from the book "Easy Baby Knits".

The booties aren't done yet, I still have some ends to weave in and some Pom-poms to make. The Mitts are almost done, still have some seaming to do. These little things knit up fast! I'd be done already but I had to visit family this weekend so my knitting got put on hold. I need to go buy some pink ribbon tomorrow so I can put the finishing touches on these cuties. I'll post the final pics soon.

And the Specs are:

1 skien Blue Sky Alpaca in Pink

1 ball Cash Velo in White

Just a little Silk Pink ribbon

Size knitted is Newborn 0-3 months, knitted with US2 & US3 needles


To not delay further we have winner for "Guess what I'm knitting" post I made earlier last week. Stay tuned for who won and is getting a gift certificate goody from The Loopy Ewe 8-)