What's on my needles?

Entries in namaste (2)


Eye Candy Friday!

It's that time, yes sharing all the eye candy I have for the week, or rather the eye candy I have yet to share. 

So, in quick fashion, he we go...

First up, Zitron Trekking Hand Art Color Sock yarn in "Columbo" for the Zitron Trekking KAL in May 2011.

Zitron Trekking Hand Art Color Sock Yarn "Columbo" KAL May 2011

Is it not superb?  Very colorful, but in a refreshing sort of way.  I'm excited to see how these socks turn out.  It's nice to knit a color out of my comfort zone sometimes. 

Next are these adorable, versatile, and portable Lantern Moon clamshell purses.

Lantern Moon Clamshell purses Lantern Moon Clamshell purses

I had previously used a small tin box, the kind you get at fabric stores that when you first purchase them only has a few small spindles of thread.  That kinda worked, but it was super loud with all my notions banging around in it.  And it wasn't very friendly to some of my special stitch markers.  When I saw these little purses, I was sold!  I love that they fit into each other, oh, and again I picked them up at the LYS (Green Planet Yarn),  that I work at.  Like I said before, such great notions there. 

Now to my circular needle storage, this baby I picked up awhile ago, have yet to use (because I just haven't found the time to organize), but I love it!  It is a black Namaste Circular case.

Namaste Circular Needle Case Namaste Circular Needle Case

It's got tabs and everything for storing circs, and let me tell you, I have circs, too many.

Last, but certainly not least is "Hither" my recent shipment of Hello Yarn Fiber and quickly becoming my fave colorway.

Hello Yarn Fiber Club "Hither" Hello Yarn Fiber Club "Hither"

That's it for sweets, enjoy your weekend, relax, knit, do what you enjoy best.




I heart my Namaste Cali-Laguna Bag

I was recently doing my daily scrub of Scout's site, and made some splurge orders. First I bought one of the new Namaste Cali-Laguna bags in Olive. What I love about this bag, you have multiple methods of carrying it, over the shoulder or hanging from your forearm, or just holding in your hands. There's enough in this bag to store multiple projects, notepads, you name it. It closes good, so it's not open to the world and those who have wandering hands or 5 fingers would be a better way to put it.

When I got my lovely bag, I immediately pulled my contents from my Jordana Paige Bella bag *sorry Jordana, the Bella is still a fave of mine*. I'm known to hoard bags and accessories, honestly what woman isn't??

Anyways, after I got my Cali-Laguna bag, I started searching for the bag accessories, I have no idea why I didn't do this from the get go (bad buyer me), but I found some other cool accessories to go with my bag, and I quickly ordered those up from Scout's site as well, all in a matching Olive color.

My Namaste set includes the Cali-Laguna bag in Olive, the Cali-Laguna Clutch in Olive, and the Cali-Laguna Needle Purse in Olive. I use the Clutch to house my cards, checks, & important things, plus extra needles, and I stuff this baby inside my Cali-Laguna bag. The great thing about this is that when I'm in a rush or going to dinner, I simply pull out the clutch and off I go, and the Cali-Laguna bag rests waiting for it's mate in the car. I use the Needle Purse, for more needles, if needed.

Here are some pics of how these all go together, I highly recommend these. I use it daily, and stuff all my notepads/books that I use at work in it, and carry it around like a backpack, a very pretty one.