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Entries in shetland trader;west knits book 2 (1)


Whip It

Two knew books I splurged on at my LYS recently...

Shetland Trader  & West Knits 2

Both fab books with some great patterns. First is Shetland Trader with almost every pattern being a must knit.  Check these out.

Shetland Trader - Filska Shetland Trader - Shalder Shetland Trader - Homin Shawl

Second is the second of West Knits by Stephen West, the first I do own, and yes I have committed a knitting sin and have yet to cast on for a pattern for either book.  Not because I don't love or find any pattern interesting, just cause I've been all over the place knitting lately and just haven't got around to it.   But don't fret!  I will cast on at least one pattern from both books soon!

Stephen has such great patterns with unique style, I absolutely love them.  Just look at this hat!

West Knits Book 2 hat

And what's even nicer, he acknowledges the work of his test knitters, awesome all in itself.  8)

West Knits Book 2

So to "Whip It" in celebration of the forthcoming Wednesday, hump day, (I laugh each time I say or hear that), here is my teeny-weensy beginnings of my new Homin Shawl from Shetland Trader, knit with Ella Rae yarn.  Ella Rae yarn, just absolutely luscious and gorgeous to knit with.

Shetland Trader - Homin Shawl knit with Ella Rae

Tomorrow is TGIW for me, work week halfway done, thankfully.

