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Entries in stitches west 2009 (2)


A Welcome Trance

It's been at least a week since I posted, so much has happened since then, and so little too. I'll share that I've been, not feeling well for sometime now, and finally ended up at the emergency room last week. For now, the outlook is good, there are tests I'm taking, but I feel it will turn out fine. I literally lost touch with everything during this past week, dealing with my issue, which explains my neglection to my blog.

I'm finally getting back on track, and now can start replying to emails, posts, comments, etc. I have a late swap package to get out to my Love Bites swappee, I feel so bad that it's late, but things kinda took a turn for the worse there, briefly.

I'll have to admit though, I have been in a trance, which has been most welcomed.

I've had the first novel of the Twilight series for sometime now, and yet I had never picked it up. I carried it with me everywhere, never reading more than a few pages. But since I started feeling, not well, I had an urge to pick it up and hoped that I would get lost in it, a distraction really. I was more amazed at my reaction, I was literally glued to Twilight. I immediately bought every book in the series and continued reading. I read all 4 books from a Thursday to a Sunday evening, feeling sad when I finished Breaking Dawn, knowing it was the conclusion.

When I say trance, I mean it, all I did was read, and really imagine the story. I made it to see the Twilight movie last Friday, and I loved it, though it didn't follow the book too closely, it was still one of my faves.

I'm now anxiously waiting for Midnight Sun, a character perspective, from Edward, his experiences with Bella. I've already read the first chapter, released on Stephenie Meyer's site. I can't thank her enough for sharing that chapter, but now I want more.

Because of my trance, I've completely neglected my knitting, and I feel horrible for doing so. My first true love has always been books, stories, reading, writing, all of it, before the fibery stuff came into my life. I think my hesitation to read Twilight originally came from me knowing I would have to fight my two passions, knitting & reading. I'm now trying to balance that and get my Swallowtail shawl finished in time for next week, Stitches West!

I'll find a balance, and can't wait to share my progress on my projects, oh and more to share of Rosie, my doggy. Thank you all for your comments on her, she really is a jewel for me, we love her so much. Pets, dog's especially, bring out another level of emotion that, like Edward's character in Twilight, you don't you have until you experience it. Sometimes I wonder how I ever went through my childhood without a pet?

Well, I better get going, to finish my Swallowtail, and of course I'm re-reading the Twilight series again, I went through it so fast the first time, I need a second look, although I can now get out of my trance like state.

Anyone going to Stitches West?

Let's get it started!

I'm psyched out for this year! Is it too early to start talking about Stitches West 2009? This will be my 2nd visit and I can't wait, I tell you, I can't! All the wooly goodness makes me super-uber happy! I have alot of sharing to do, and geez, just don't know where to start? So excuse me if I'm all over the place 8-)

Since I'm talking about Stitches West, last year I saw Jennifer Hansen from Stitch Diva Studios there demonstrating her stash busting Tunisian blanket, which was totally gorgeous! I quickly bought the Jenkin's Tunisian Crochet hook in S with a stopper, thankfully, her blanket was such a hit that Jenkin's has these on back order still because of demand. After Stitches I went to a knit along for this blanket at Knitting Arts and started my blanket. I worked on it and found the method very easy and great "mindless" crocheting, or a cross between crocheting and knitting. I finally finished this, and am so proud of it. I love it so much. There are 9 different yarns in this, including Alpaca silk! It's so soft, and warm, this is fast to make if you actually spend the time working it, for me I put it away and finally decided to bring it out again.

Tunisian Crochet Blanket

Tunisian Crochet Blanket

Tunisian Crochet Blanket

Tunisian Crochet Blanket

I've been steadily knitting along on my Tech Square Afghan blanket, and finally, oh finally finished my Pocket Square! There are 3 pockets to it, a Kangaroo, Ribbed, and Pouch pocket. All are different methods and pretty darn interesting. I went on faith when following the directions, and thankfully the designer didn't fail.

Tech Square Afghan Pocket Square

In the middle is the Kangaroo pocket, method is fairly simple, you knit the center stitches to the desired length of the pocket, while leaving the sides on waste yarn, when your ready to knit the back of the pocket, you start knitting the live stitches on the waste yarn and when you get to the pocket front, pick up stitches in the back of it, in a straight line then continue knitting the remaining live stitches on yarn, and when you reach the same length of the front pocket, you use 2 needles, one for the back stitches and one for the front pocket stitches and knit the front and back stitches together, creating one seam stitch. Here's a close up:

Tech Square Afghan Pocket Square

This is the Pouch Pocket, the angle is looking at the inside or opening, that is lined with Red yarn. To start it off you take waste yarn and knit 2 rows of X amount of stitches you want for your pocket width, and then continue re-knitting the same stitches of waste yarn with the working yarn, and continue on your piece. When your ready to work the pocket, you remove the waste yarn, leaving 2 rows of live stitches, top and bottom row. You take these stitches and knit in the round, picking up a stitch at the corners to close the gap, and knit for however deep you want your pocket. You knit in stockinette so when you push the pocket inwards, it's knitted inside.

Tech Square Afghan Pocket Square

This is the back of the square:

Tech Square Afghan Pocket Square

The last pocket is a Ribbed square, you do a YO every other knit stitch, and then the next row you knit the knit stitches and transfer the YO's to waste yarn. When your've ready to knit the back of the pocket, you knit the YO's thru the back stitch, knit tightly, and keep going until you've reached the ribbing. You then seam up the sides.

Opening of pocket:

Tech Square Afghan Pocket Square

Out of all 3 pockets, all methods are pretty interesting, I like the Pouch pocket for being a loose change pocket, you really can't loose anything in it, the Ribbed one is nice, but you need to seam nicely, and the Kangaroo I love, very pretty and so many designs you can incorporate with it, I just don't care for picking up stitches on the purl bump side. I was so happy to finish this square, it had be hibernating for awhile because I was knitting other things or got stuck in the holidays.

I quicky cast on for my next square, the Entrelac square. I've made leaps of progress with this, almost done, but need to buy more yarn. It has 2 of my fave colors, green and red, oh my! I've never done Entrelac before, this is my first attempt, and I admit when I was first looking at the instructions, I was like, WTF, but mainly because the picture was far more confusing then the actual method. Anyways, I followed the instructions like a good little knitter, and sure as day, was speeding along in no time. This is why I love this project, you get something of everything and your smack ready for a real garment, like a sweater, or vest.


I'm loving the color combo, my hubby picked the 2 to go with out of my entire color scheme. So far these are all the squares I have done, the Entrelac is not shown yet cause it's not yet finished.

Tech Square Afghan

From a previous post, I never got the chance to post a picture of the Dayflower gloves I knitted for my daughter for Christmas, here's her pose (note she wouldn't let me show her face, kids??!??)

Dayflower Gloves

This is yarn scrumptous!

I also participated in a Christmas Stocking Swap with Yarnwhisperer on Ravelry for the Death By Socks group. All the members thought it would be nice to knit a stocking, no competition, but a way of knitting something nice for someone else.

Here's the stocking I sent her:

Holiday Stocking 2008

And here's the goodies and stocking she sent me:

Stocking Package from Death By Socks Stocking Swap from Yarnwhisperer

I love the stocking, good color choice, and I love the Noro Kureyon Sock Yarn! All the goodies she sent, plus the lovely magnets and ornament.

Oooh.. and last, but not least, I received my Scout's Swag shipment, "Red Pear Tweed", I'm loving this color! Great for the upcoming Valentines day!

Scout's Swag Club 'Red Pear Tweed"

Scout's Swag Club 'Red Pear Tweed"

Phew! Sorry for the long post, but gosh I just needed to share all this, I have more, but I'll spare you and save it for another post.

8) R