National Blog Month

I decided to take part in the National Blog Posting Month so there will be alot of posts from me this month, if I'm able to stick with it.
Today's share is a finished Cerasifera shawl, not the best picture to be sharing but it'll have to do for now. Maybe I can get a quick photo shoot done this weekend.
Here's a cool blocking photo, for some reason I just love blocking photos? Do you? It's nice to see how each person blocks their FOs, it's really a science to block a finished item.
This shawl was particularly fussy to block, the rounded edge was a bit tricky to block out the shawl to measurements. I'm always happy when shawls block to the designers measurements.
Since I'll be blogging frequently, I'll choose to limit my posts, don't want to waste your time. I'm sure many of you would like to check in quickly and then get on with your day 8)
Until next post, which is very soon 8)