It's Friday, Friday, Finally!

This week for whatever reasons has seemed to be one L - O - N - G drawn out week. Not alot of knitting progress made this week, sadly, just a whirlwind of life's little presents.
Although, there have a been a few highlights to look forward too, received some new squishy lovelies to play with.
The two green skeins, from corner left are Shibui yarn in Staccato, and Silk Cloud. These lovely skeins are were destined to be a pair of fingerless gloves; sample knit for the Knitting Ranch.
Pattern: Jane Kristin Spurkland
Yarn: Shibui Staccato & Silk Cloud
Started: 2/2/12
Finished: 2/2/12
Mods: None
I offered to knit these for Suzi, who also hosts a wonderful virutal kal! Yes! That means I get to sit and knit from home and connect virtually with my other knitterly friends. I part taked in my first session last Saturday morning. The current virtual kal is for the Lacy Prairie shawl, for which the two other purple skeins in the picture above are destined for. The skeins are A Verb for Keeping Warm in Hyacynth. I'll share my progress on the shawl once I get to take some pictures. A special thank you to my dearest friend Marisol for sharing this virtual kal.
For now I'll leave you with a very soon to be FO of the SusannaIC Mystery Shawl. Almost done with this shawl, one clue left for this weekend.

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