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Entries in Socks (8)


It's a mystery - 2013!

2012 is done, and it really turned out to be one of the lowest years of craft productin for me.  I started out 2012 with alot of momentum; starting and finishing projects, and then hit a slump.  The sudden halt to my crafting, whether it be knitting, crocheting, sewing, you name it, simply was a result of my personal life getting in the way.  After all the craziness with changes last year, finally things are starting to gain perspective and I'm getting back into my groove with all my interests, which includes blogging.

I don't monitor my blog followers and don't know who, if any, read my posts, but if you do, thank you for your support! 

Now, I know 13 is known to be a superstitious number, but I think, for me, it'll be a good. 

So, I'm starting off 2013 with a fresh project, and it's aptly named, "It's a mystery".  This is the annual sock mystery kal hosted by Kirsten Kapur from Through the Loops.  We received the 1st clue today, and I cast on and finished the 1st clue.  Each clue to be released weekly, so I'll have time to give attention to other projects while waiting for the 2nd clue's release.  I love knitting mystery kals', its always nice to see the pattern progress and not know what the end result is.

This was last year's clue 2012:

 Through The Loops Mystery Sock KAL 2012

Here's the 1st clue for 2013:

Through the Loops Sock Mystery KAL 2013 - Clue 1

I went with Marmalade from Scout's Swag, a beautiful speckled yellow I picked up years ago in a dye class Scout held at Knit One Knit Two in Berkeley.  The first clue is only the cuff portion, and started off with a picot edging, which immediately made me happy with my yarn choice.  I think the speckled yellow is very fitting for the fun and flirty picot edging.  Now I'm really excited for the next clue!

Aside from this new project, I'm now actively searching my stash for a lace yarn to start another knit mystery hosted by Susanna IC.  This one is a shawl with beads!  This will be my 2nd time doing a Susanna IC mystery kal.    For now those are what's going to be hitting my needles,  but I have more to start, I'll share as those come to fruition. 

Last year's Susanna IC mystery shawl:

SusannaIC Mystery Shawl - Jan2012

I'll be posting again, to share clue 2 of TTL Sock Mystery and clue 1 of Susanna IC Mystery too!  2013 will be a blogging year!



New Pair of Cranked Ankle Socks!

Since the move, all my yarn and projects, everything is packed, awaiting the development of my future office, for now it waits paitiently all boxed up. 

I recently finished another project and was itching to start a new project but just couldn't muster up the task of digging thru the packed boxes to choose a yarn and I'm being careful on my budget, so no new yarns for me 8(, gosh is that hard to stick too.  It's an addiction, I swear!

Anyways, I got lucky, and before we moved, I had stashed a few projects in my beautiful Lantern Moon Flower Power Bag.  I choose to finish the Cranked socks I had started back in April 2011 for the Knit Purl Hunter KAL.  I don't remember why I didn't finish the socks back then, probably moved onto another project.

I picked these up again this past week and turned them into ankle socks.  I absolutely love ankle socks, and these came out with a perfect fit. 

It's always nice to have a new pair of socks done. 

Cranked socks Cranked socks Cranked socks

Pattern: Cranked for Knit Purl Hunter Trekking KAL
Yarn: Trekking Maxima Color #906 from Green Planet Yarn LYS.
Started: 04/15/11
Finished: 06/10/12
Mods: None

Now, onto another project, but I think I just may splurge and pickup some new yarn.....


Eye Candy Friday

Yes it's Friday!!!  End of work week (for most of us) beginning of the weekend and whatever we want to do!    Here's some "Eye Candy" to get you started...

Hello Yarn Fiber Club from November 2010

Hello Yarn Fiber Club "Minerals" Nov 2010 - Shetland Wool  Top

Hello Yarn Fiber Club from December 2010

Hello Yarn Fiber Club "Curiosities" Dec 2010 - Superwash  Merino Wool Top

Socks that Rock Lightweight in "Bag Lady"

Socks that Rock LW in Bag Lady

This skein didn't last long, it's now being knit to make these two lovely Solstice Slip socks

Solstice Slip Socks KAL in Bag Lady

Got a busy weekend ahead of me, work all day tomorrow, at my regular day job and at my LYS.  Then Saturday is the big Quidditch Hat challenge for HPKC!  Will see how I make out 8)



Zitron Trekking KAL Clue 3 - Heel

Clue 3 released this past Saturday.  I started and finished it on Sunday, quick heels, and it's one of my favorities, the short row heel.

Took me a minute to get pictures, but voila!  Oh and no Mods.

Trekking KAL Clue 3 - Heel

Stay tuned for the next clue, which is the foot and then all that is left is the toe!


Zitron Trekking KAL Clue 2

Clue 2 released last Saturday, 1/8, I started one repeat on 1/9.

Knitting time over the last few days has been minimal, sometimes it seems like no matter how hard I try to get knitting time, something interrupts!

Clue 2 was pretty easy, basic edging eyelet lace columns, similar to Feather andFan, and then the inside columns are the Axis Cables, which are really the same as a cable but you actually cable the stitches that are hanging on the cable needle. 

I did mines without a cable needle, the less needles I can knit without the happier I am.  The first row doing the cables was the learning curve, just getting my method down doing the axis cable. 

I finished clue 2 earlier today, seemed like I was fighting just to get time to work on the socks.  Here they are all ready and waiting for clue 3!

Trekking KAL Clue 2 Trekking KAL Clue 2